Chakras have been written about since 600BC so it’s not surprising that there is a lot of information surrounding them. The knowledge that has been shared about them has been passed down through the generations for so long and is still alive today.


Chakra is a Sanskrit (an ancient language in India known for its scriptures) word that means wheel. It symbolizes the point at which the mind and body/heaven and earth/physical and consciousness meet. In other words it is a point of energy that vibrates at a specific level. For those that are able to visualise/see the chakras they often appear as coloured energy centres.


There are many chakras throughout your body, I talk here about the 7 major chakras – the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown – they are present at birth and evolve throughout your life as you do. Thus, they are unique to you – absorbing and giving energy from and to you. They also draw energy from the earth and at the same time from the cosmic energy. Chakras are constantly shifting, growing, depleting and stabilising – dependant on your thoughts, emotions, attitudes and actions.


The energy they give off can affect our emotions, attitudes and actions. So it is important to live fully in the present and ensure that you do not reduce your viewpoints of life to narrow avenues as this will keep your energy field narrow – limiting your life experiences.


The more freedom, love and beauty you experience the wider your energy field becomes. This in turn opens you up to receive more of this, helping you to evolve and become healthier as the chakras are also linked to your physical body.


Chakras and Your Energy

Your chakras are very well organized – like a ladder in fact – which allows your life force energy to flow.

Sometimes though, events in our lives can interrupt that flow of energy, causing sluggishness or even stagnation in the chakra/s affected. If this occurs for a short period of time natural healing will take place and they will return to their usual normal (hopefully healthy) state. Occasionally however, when this difficult event is extended over a longer period of time your chakras will need a boost of some kind to help kick start them back into balance again.


Chakras and Your Body

Your chakras can affect your body – if a chakra becomes depleted and is sluggish or stagnated you may experience a sense of coldness, aches and pains and general lack of vitality. If a chakra is over stimulated you may feel increased heat in your body, irritability or even stagnation.

When you can isolate physical complaints to a governing chakra, you can use affirmations and meditations to bring balance back into the chakra. (Please note this does NOT replace medical advice/intervention or treatment – please do seek medical help for any unexplained discomfort/worrying symptoms/extreme or long-term symptoms).


Chakras and Your Emotions

The chakras are very responsive to your emotions.

When you are unhappy you need to allow space for those emotions (anger/anxiety/grief) if you ignore and supress them this in turn can cause a chakra to become congested which can lead to a denial of opportunity for growth.

If you ignore anger or frustration for example for too long these emotions can implode and this emotional energy can overstimulate the chakra system causing an imbalance that stops you from using your energy in a positive way.

Identifying these emotions helps you to find a suitable way to allow this energy to flow away from you.


Chakras and Your Beliefs and Values

Your beliefs and values are formed from many different factors – your family, friends, society, social media etc. These accumulate in your subconscious and feed into your energy system. In other words the beliefs and values that you hold as sacred can empower or disempower your energy and effect your chakras.


For example, if you have a belief that you are not good at maths or have difficulties in this area so therefore you avoid engaging in this, your energy system will be constrained, limiting its flow so the energy will be less. In essence become self-compounding.


In contrast if you believe the opposite that you are great at maths you are more willing to engage which allows the energy to flow freely and opens you up to new opportunities.


Nurture grounded ideas and healthy attitudes about yourself leads the chakras to perform at their best.


Meditation is a powerful way to allow you to be free of negative emotions and provides a mental space for you to look within and find the purpose of any situation you find yourself in.